Rest Well Tea

Rest Well Tea


Enso Botanic

This blend promotes rest with ease. Great for anyone who needs aid in quieting the mind at night. These herbs anchor, calm and soothe the spirit.  Blended with roots, flowers, leaves and love – this tea assists you in resting well.  

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Ingredients: Suan zao ren, fu shen poria, da zao dates, dang gui angelica root, wu wei zi schisandra berries, gan cao licorice. 


Single Batch :

Steep 1 tablespoon in french press or tea-ball in boiling hot water for 20-30 minutes, repeat with same herbs up to 2x to extract all the goodness. 

Large Batch of concentrated extract / 1 week treatment :
Simmer entire bag of herbs in 10 cups of water 6-8 hours in crockpot or on stovetop. 

To serve : Add one or two parts hot water to one part extract (depending on desired taste). 

The properties of Chinese herbs are held much deeper in the plants and require a longer steeping time to extract all their benefits. 

Size: 4oz