Immune Tea

Immune Tea


Enso Botanic

This tea boosts the body's ability to stave off pathogens and boost lung capacity preventing colds, flus & viruses.  In Chinese medicine, there is a layer of energy called Wei qi that circulates the outermost layer of the body. Wei qi guards the body from pathogenic invasion. This Immune Tea fortifies the body’s Wei qi and the dynamic of this energetic layer of defense to our immune system with nature's inherent wisdom.  

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Ingredients: Huang qi astragulus, bai zhu atractylodes, go qi zi berries, gui zhi cinnamon, gan gian ginger, fang feng saposhnikovia, bo he mint.

Caution: Pregnancy


Single Batch :

Steep 1 tablespoon in boiling water for 10-20 minutes, repeat with same herbs up to 2 times. 

Large Batch of concentrated extract / 1 week treatment :
Simmer entire bag of herbs in 8-10 cups of water for 1-2 hours in crockpot or on stovetop. 

To serve : Add one or two parts hot water to one part extract (depending on desired taste). 

The properties of Chinese herbs are held much deeper in the plants and require a longer steeping time to extract all their benefits. 

Size: 4oz